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A Dog on a Log - Storybook

IanMomEnglish 2024. 3. 19.


Flash Card : A Dog on a Log - (Lv1) (tistory.com)


Flash Card : A Dog on a Log - (Lv1)




Page 1
Q: Where did the story happen?
A: The story happened on a beach by a tree.

Page 2
Q: What did the hog shout about?
A: The hog shouted about seeing a Dog on a Log.

Page 3
Q: Why was the dog on the log?
A: The dog might be saving a big frightening flea.

Page 4
Q: Why would a dog save a flea?
A: It's a mystery, especially in the water on the branch of a tree.

Page 5
Q: What happened next that was surprising?
A: A flea pulled on a rope and up came a boat.

Page 6
Q: Who ran from the dog's toe?
A: A flea family ran from the dog's little toe.

Page 7
Q: Where did the flea family go?
A: They got into the boat and began to row.

Page 8
Q: What did the flea family do on the shore?
A: They ran through the sand, over a cookie in my hand.

Page 9
Q: Where did the flea family find a new home?
A: They found a new home with the hog that has an unpleasant scent.

Page 10
Q: What is the dog still doing?
A: The dog is still riding that log.

Page 11
Q: What happened to the narrator at the end?
A: The narrator thinks they have a flea because of an itch.

Page 12
Q: What do the fleas do in their new home?
A: The fleas make friends with the hog.

Page 13
Q: How does the dog feel on the log now?
A: The dog feels happy on the log.

Page 14
Q: What does the family do after seeing the dog on the log?
A: The family smiles and watches the dog.

Page 15
Q: How does the narrator feel about the adventure?
A: The narrator feels surprised and happy.

Page 16
Q: What does the dog do after the adventure?
A: The dog takes a nap on the log.

Page 17
Q: How does the hog help the fleas?
A: The hog gives the fleas a place to stay.

Page 18
Q: What lesson does the story teach?
A: The story teaches about friendship and helping others.

Page 19
Q: What happens to the log in the end?
A: The log becomes a fun place for everyone.

Page 20
Q: How does the story end?
A: The story ends with everyone being happy and together.


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