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A Day at the Carnival - (Lv 1)

IanMomEnglish 2024. 3. 19.


Flash Card : A Day at the Carnival - (Lv1) (tistory.com)


Flash Card : A Day at the Carnival - (Lv1)




Page 1
Q: What day is it in the story?
A: It's carnival day.

Page 2
Q: Who shouts 'Hooray' because they are excited?
A: Little Mouse, Littler Mouse, and Tiny Mouse shout 'Hooray.'

Page 3
Q: What do the mice plan to do at the carnival?
A: They plan to ride every ride.

Page 4
Q: What does Tiny Mouse tell his brothers?
A: Tiny Mouse tells his brothers not to lose him.

Page 5
Q: What is the first ride the mice enjoy?
A: They race each other on toy cars.

Page 6
Q: What do they ride next?
A: They go up and down on the merry-go-round.

Page 7
Q: What coaster do they ride?
A: They ride the winding caterpillar coaster.

Page 8
Q: Which ride gives them a view from high up?
A: They take a spin on the Ferris wheel.

Page 9
Q: Where do the brothers go after the rides?
A: The brothers walk to the balloon cart.

Page 10
Q: What do the brothers buy at the cart?
A: They each buy a balloon.

Page 11
Q: Who goes missing after buying balloons?
A: Tiny Mouse goes missing.

Page 12
Q: Where do Little Mouse and Littler Mouse look first for Tiny Mouse?
A: They run to the toy cars, but Tiny Mouse isn't there.

Page 13
Q: Where do they look next?
A: They run to the merry-go-round, but Tiny Mouse isn't there.

Page 14
Q: Where do they find Tiny Mouse?
A: They find Tiny Mouse at the Ferris wheel.

Page 15
Q: What do the mice buy after finding Tiny Mouse?
A: The Little Mice each buy a glass of sugarcane juice.

Page 16
Q: How do the mice feel about their day at the carnival?
A: They feel it was a fantastic day at the carnival.

Page 17

Q: What do the mice say at the end of their carnival day?
A: They shout 'Hooray' three times, happy about their day.



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